Guidelines for Trainees

Atlanta BEST Trainees are formally admitted into cohorts within the Atlanta BEST program. They are competitively selected PhD students (3rd year+ and passed doctoral qualifying exams), as well as established  Postdoctoral fellows in Science and Biomedical Engineering disciplines from both Emory University and Georgia Tech. Scientific Backgrounds range from Biology, Neuroscience, Immunology, Pharmacology, Chemistry, Genetics, Bio-statistics, and Engineering.

Learning goals
Trainees should receive opportunities for:
·         Career Exposure:
o    Proactively learn about what it’s like to work in an particular organization and understand it's culture
o    Experience the day-to-day responsibilities within a defined career path

·         Career Development: 
o    Gain an understanding of the qualifications and duties involved in the career path
o    Expand their professional knowledge about related stakeholders, industries, and organizational structure 
o    Grow their professional network and build networking skills

·         Skill Awareness and Development: 
o    Be made aware of transferable skills and knowledge required for success in that career path
o    Discover talents and interests, then assess if they match the career path
o    Be exposed to opportunities to implement those skills

Guidelines for Trainees

  1. Trainees should be proactive and professional at all times before and during the internship
  2. Research and understand the organization beforehand and be prepared with questions to ask, and to discuss with the organization with the intention of expanding your professional knowledge of what that organization does, how it works, why its works that way, and gain a feel for the organization's culture, goals and missions. 
  3. Complete projects on time
  4. Be open and enthusiastic about experiences that the organization engages you in
  5. Any concerns of questions should be brought up right away with the BEST team and/or the organization